domingo, 23 de fevereiro de 2014

all favorite  50 videos.                  o/

Dissertation . FILE 1, Water, bottled water VS tap water.

Carlos Alexandre dos Santos


 Water is essential to life, your body needs to be hydrated such as you need the air to breathe.
This is how everything goes since the beginning of the time; A time when the caveman had to change the home-place after had made an exploration looking for water, and move on to live near to a river. Otherwise the animals are still the same behavior, always immigrating to a places with natural water.
 Nowadays, people do not need to move their home next to a river where water is safe to drink, now we have options to bring water inside our home wherever we live, we can use pipes, tubes, water trucks to fill up our water box, and bottled water.  
 And in home we can drink tap water and bottled water, both have advantages and disadvantages.
 About tap water, we have some environment problems, with pollution in rivers, sewers contamination, and even with all water treatments, filtrated, boiled, its not hundred per cent security to drink. But also, is the cheapest, fast and easy to drink tap water.
 Bottled water a fashion way to drink tap water, basically its came from the same place, passing by all the water treatments in factories, and plus with some flavors, colors, and a  fancy plastic bottle. The taste is good, and when you go to do exercises, run your morning track, you take a water bottle or when you go to the gym, you take a bottled water. Depending the places you use to go, people could blame you if go without bottled in your hands, it is associated with your healthily life`s care.
 Now you cannot live without fresh air to breathe, mineral bottled water to drink, and internet.

295 words.

terça-feira, 11 de fevereiro de 2014

what did you had dreamy about, lately?

  After amazing time enjoyed in Floripa-Brazil, with sun over your head at 40 degrees hot, I came here to Dublin-Ireland, a cold and wet place, and in the last few days, it had been snowing all the time.

  I`ve been dreaming about summer time, its placed here in Ireland`s Eye Island, I`ll tell you exactly how was my dream.

  - It`s started early morning, when I open my eyes and saw the rays of light through my window, I`d quickly  got up of my bed,  and faster took a healthily breakfast, with cereals, milk, and my special vitamin-shake, before get out of home, I did a small hole in an egg and drunk it like a lizard. After my breakfast, brushed my teeth and pass sunblock all over my body; I was wearing just my slippers and my trunks, of course I faster get back to my bedroom and put my sports outfit, run shorts and my tank top, and my wrist-watch. 

 - A few things you never forget to take with you when you are leaving your house, the house keys, the sunglasses, the mobile, headphones, and a mineral water bottle. It was about seven at morning, maybe, maybe not, I didn`t had a look on my watch at that time. 

 -  I had been running since I'd lock my doors out, on my way, playing my favorites indie rock in my headphones. slow down my speed sometimes, run smoothly and take a sip of my water, without running stops, run continues, the winds blowing at my face softly refreshing the body heat and sun warmth. 

 "all these details makes my dream so realistic, a kind of dream which when you awake, you ask to your self, where have I been through? "

 - Simultaneously, I've been running through the street, I`m running without slippers, I feel the sand under my feet, I've noticed that I am running on the beach, take off my  headphones, and look around the place, I can see the waves, feel the ocean breeze, a breath of sea air, than finally I stopped my run and enjoy the view for while. 

 - I walked by the beach, till I put my eyes on amazing big rocks, that must be the point where the beach ends, I think with myself, and I need to go to that place up on the rocks, to take wonderful pictures of my favorite place on Ireland, The Ireland`s Eye Island.

 -I am up on the rocks, take amazing pictures, some of them looks like professional photos, but others, not too much, silly pics to social webs, with my tongue out of mouth, I need to share this moment with my family and friends. 

"do you have any continues dream? when you wake up and this is just another ordinary day, after all your accomplishments you get back to home, and after your home moment, take your shower, and when you fall sleep, you notice yourself, you are in the same place where you were last night! I have no explanation for it, and I feel that its amazing thing, but at the same time sooo crazy to be there again!" Its happen to  me, ...

 - I've been standing up on the rocks, summer time, wind, waves, and "my" beautiful island. An inlet. 
I`m enjoying the view for while, have taking a sunbath, my soft songs indie remixes on my playlist follow the ocean waves sound. I am in paradise!
 And when I think, I have seen more than I imagined for this morning, I notice away far from the beach, something big, moving under the ocean's water, its approaching to the beach, I`d got myself so surprised but scared `cause something unknown, biggest, moving fast the waters, and its not natural causes, wind or waves, neither an earthquake, and impossible its been a tsunamis start, I watched  a lot of documentaries and movies where I'd learn everything exactly how its happen.

 - than, I saw surprisingly a squish of water, so high and loud, it`s a whale!
and coming near each time, I saw the beauty color, majestic moves splitting the water to open way through, and  coming closer, and more squishies, I took amazing pictures;
 I've noticed something weird, the whale is coming closer and closer, and subtly stuck on the sand, and beach shore, pushing it to out of water. 
 The whale`s stuck, and I was going getting closer slowly, I never seen with my own sight, alive in front of me, ... I continue taking some clicks with my phone, one specially, when I get so closer than I can touch her head, that pic I`ll print and fix at my living-room  wall.
  - At this magical time, she starts to grumble, she`s trying to get back to the ocean, but more she tries, more deeper at the it becomes. 
 I step back and carefully walk around to see how worst this situation it have been getting through, and I discovered that stuck in the sand it isn't the biggest problem, there`s also, a big piece of harpoon, it`s probably hurts a lot, its damage her skin, and create a hole on her left side, she`s bleeding and grumbling, I am very close to the whale and its screaming for help, sounds louder, I need to call for help, someone can help in here, and when I took my phone ready to call, I heard  some people talking loud behind me, in the middle of the trees: 
  At this moment I've become  freezed. it`s hard to breath, hard to think in something, hard to run is an desperate  feeling take control of all your body, your heart beating frenetically, so fast which you cannot move any muscle, and its later to help.
    An horde of men arising from trees, running straight at my direction, I`d standing between the whale and her hunters. 
 the only thought had goes through my mind was, they are coming to kill us, and I look into the whale`s dark blue eyes, a tear drop slides by her face.
 -"Step away stranger!" one of the grotesque men said, pushing me, and throwing me down against the sand. they split the group, and surrounded the whale, and start to prepare the material to slice in pieces,... I can't imagine what they are starting to do, I know, but I refuse to think about it, and I stand up, and run up to the rocks. Been there I heard the whale screaming its all over the beach, sounds louder and that had attracted attention from the hunters. 
 Dozen of hunters, with weapons, I had nothing to do to help, one option could be sacrifice myself, try to intercept the whale`s murder, but will be useless, suicide imbecil,  after killing me they return to kill the whale.
   hearing the sound for help from whale, I gave her answer.
I screamed from the top of rocks, answer the whale`s supplication.
the Whale scream again, and I answer again. 
The men stops and start to look at me, and I continue scream suppliantly, now the whale knows, she`s not alone. 
 From the other side of the beach, we heard another scream, similar, to ours, responding our prays, and whale scream back. I'd scream, and other man away from us, scream to; I'd scream louder and louder, trying to send a message about risc of life, all my strength, all my breath I put in that act. and somebody else heard too, more locals, coming walking slowly over the beach, scream together at the same tune, the hunters start to walk away, I  get down from the rocks, and go to whale, we are all approaching with the wildlife scream for help as theme, and the hunters go back to the trees, vanishing through it, we are all around the whale, give her some love, after all she has been through, and I tell to the people that we need to call the authorities before the hunters came back with guns. 




My favorite songs

domingo, 9 de fevereiro de 2014





  1. Fala Galera da REVIL!!
    Vamos la, tentar acabar de uma vez com a discussao entre fas sobre o que e melhor, filme, ou game? Essa pergunta e capaz de causar a terceira guerra mundial entre os milhares de fans da serie. 
    E o seguinte, para "apaziguar" as coisas, vamos tentar encaixar o storyline do filme na linha de tempo dos JOGOS! vcs acham possivel? Plausivel? talvez, ... e o seguinte, algumas dicas, 1.o misterioso arquivo entre RE1 e RE2 onde menciona o homem suspeito no escritorio (laboratorio) e passa nervoso pelo corredor onde esbarra com outra pessoa com o cafe em maos,e derruba um pouco de cafe na camisa, sem parar para se desculpar, ... 
    2. que fim levou Barry Burton RE1, ... ate agora, nos games , RE3, tem um epilogo vago, e no filme 5 ele tem um final digno de morto em combate, ...
    3. mesclar os eventos dos games RE2, RE3, com o segundo filme, jill, nemesis, ... CARLOS. terceiro filme da um jump-foward, fast foward, porque o EXTINCAO ainda nao aconteceu nos games, um mundo devastado deserto apocaliptico, pode se considerar depois do game RE7. ah, wesker pode ser clonado para essa teoria ter conexao. 
    5.wowwwww, a historia da clonagem, sempre timidazinha no storyline dos games, em RE GAIDEN- clone do Leon, RECVeronica, os Ashford, e nos filmes 3,4,5, discarados clones de Alice no RE, e no quarto filme mais clones de Alice, e no quinto clonagem multipla de varios personagens, ... para story line do game, podemos encaixar , ambientado em Code Veronica (laoratorio subterraneo e tals, em baixo da camada de gelo, ...) e finalmente abordaram sem medo a clonagem no RE6, e colocado em pauta a clonagem ADA,Carla Radames, ...

         nao vamos esquecer os NAVIOS, starlight- dead aim,      e o ARCADIA, RE- RECOMECO E RETRIBUICAO.

  2. 6. a aventura RE4 game  -leon e las plagas, sao fatos que vamos colocar , ocorreram antes de RE code veronica, onde no filme , leon ja havia encontrado com las plagas anteriormente, citado  na batalha contra a lady crow ( RE5 game), e pode ser ambientado novamente na  linha  paralela, alternativa com Code veronica.
  3.  leon depois do segundo game 1998, foi para a operacao Javier 2002(talvez), onde encontrou Krauzer, depois foi para o 4 game em  2004, e em 2005 reencontra claire em DEGENERACAO, e depois foi para code veronica ( nos filmes linha paralela) , onde reencontra claire. , no quinto filme,,         SAI em missao solo,  em CONDENACAO, ano ?                     depois vai para o sexto jogo, 2013... leon entrara na missao ao lado de HELENA, 

  4. 7.jill valentine nos seguintes anos , 98 raccoon city, 2004 revelations, 2006 desaparece com wesker.  2008 lady crow em RE 5 game -                  no filme ataca o povo no climax RE Retribuition, pode ser ambientalizado  em 2006, tbm,  ali ela volta a ser a mocinha, Jill, mas em fatos seguintes, ela explicavelmente, ja que nos filmes deixa essa brecha que so explicada nos games, depois em missao com o chris, volta para o lado escuro da forca, onde esbarra com Chirs e Sheva no RE5, 2008  ...        ISSO E UM GIGANTESCO QUEBRA CABECAS, code veronica se passa em dezembro de 98, jill so vai para o lado escuro da forca depois de 2006, entao ,pode ser uma base secundaria da Umbrella na Antartida onde revivenciamos alguns eventos de code veronica, de fato, o laboratorio e totalmente diferente. 

    8. relembrando fatos de afterlife ,CLAIRE, que podem ser ambientados em Code Veronica ,  na batalha contra o BAD STEVE, ...

    9. mais toda a linha de spin off, livros, que podem complementar e encaixar a nossa Queridissima Alice no story line dos jogos, ... viloes.... meu, muito pano pra manga, e muito trabalho, dificil, mas com certeza satisfatorio e que eu gostaria muito de ler.


    caras, e isso ai, vamos acabar com a guerra entre filme e game.
    Curtir ·  · Promover · 
  5. Carlos Alexandre Santos5 de fevereiro próximo a DublinSomente euFala Galera da REVIL!!
pecas do quebra cabecas jogadas no ventilador agora, para quem foi fanatico pelo seriado LOST, juntando pecas e unindo os eventos com futuro passado e presente, vai se divertir com isso.   So quero colocar a Alice no story line. 

Resident Evil



vei, somos da epoca em que dificilmente saia algum filme baseado  em videogame,  era um preconceito tremendo da industria contra esses roteiros de jogos,  e mesmo assim nos contentavamos com as unicas opcoes que tinhamos na epoca,    
link bacana acima, e infelizmente a lista de filmes baseados em games, era, ainda e, e temo que va continuar a aumentar e a decepcionar muita gente em muitos de seus games favoritos.             
como nos resta agora , ou passa batido pelo filme e NAO ASSISTA, ou pega uma pipoca e aproveita que finalmente alguem esta fazendo uma simbolica homenagem cinematografica recriando alguns momentos do game que nos acompanhamos desde a infancia. 
onde o termo survival horror, realmente era aterrorizante, nossa mente era jovem e tudo aquilo era novo, primeiro Play1 ,primeiro Play2, .... adolescente de 12,13,14 anos aquilo fascinou de maneira inesquecivel muitos,                ja   em Play 3, nossa mente adulta , fica dificil ate para os games atuais da serie Resident Evil agradar e assustar seus fans mais fieis , e causar toda aquela emocao que foi o  lancamento do segundo jogo (por que depois do primeiro todo mundo ficou ansioso pela chegada do proximo) , ou do primeiro filme que foi muito aguardado e supriu as expectativas. enfim, mais filmes , mais jogos, e o pessoal criticando cada vez mais e mais, ...  


com os que dizem que os filmes sao uma bosta.  e estou decepcionado tbm com os que dizem que o game 5 e o game 6 sao porcaria. 
aguardem o filme 6 e o jogo 7 , depois voltamos a conversar.       

 slàn leat,
