quarta-feira, 3 de abril de 2013

My book - lost page for fifth episode

There is a new world outside here,
We want to knew everything beyond us
We try so hard to find that way out of here
And finally we found some way, there is just only one path
Think a lot , talk a lot about it
And decide
Leave all my family behind
Is the hardest thing i do...
The first time than i do that
I leave behind my mother saying good bye to me
I toke my motorcicle
And leave my mother was crying at the door of our old wood house
And i never look behind...
I´d phone call sometimes,
so It´s not enough
´cause i never see my mom in life again.

I´ll do it again,
And i know,
I´ll lose my brother...
Maybe before we go, or
there is one little small percent than he´ll still alive when we come back to visit my folks

And my sister, studing harder
Learn to read and write, just to talk with me by the internet.
Everything will be all right.

I´m worried about with my niece
She is the most important person in my family who i am really care and i may do the possible and impossible things to see her happyness.
I´m only think about the time when she will be pregnant.
This is something to really worried.

But, by now,
We need to think about us, our future, and how to growing up, like person, like man, like adult.
Now, i finally feel i´m an adult.
Our future made us as man!

I´m 27 years old, that´s the time to not be a teenager anymore.
Finally i came to my adult life.
Forget all the partyies,
Forget all the friends who wants to make bad things to your self ,
Think about you and wish all the best for the man who sleep by your side all nights
He deserve the best of you!!!
Do it!!
Devaneios / epílogo é o capítulo extremamente assustador do livro 1;
Tenho medo de ler em voz alta.

Agora é dreamers:

Nuvens densas no céu,
Talvez comece a chover logo, pode ser uma tempestade á caminho,
Proteja-se , esconda-se , pode ser perigoso ficar a deriva;
Corra , corra o mais rápido que puder, proteja seu parceiro de fuga,
Ele precisa de você,

E quando encontram um abrigo, a maior tempestade começa.

Lucas e Shawn, 7 anos se passaram, desde seu primeiro beijo na chuva, agora no meio dessa tempestade, o beijo molhado aquece os lábios frios.

Correram pela neve, correram pela ponte , pelo rio congelado, para aquecer o corpo nesse clima abaixo de zero.

Estamos indo á caminho de casa, perdemos o metrô, não estão circulando nem carros nem ônibus, nem taxis, não há como andar de bicicleta, e minha moto deixei em casa, só nos resta correr!
Estamos chegando na civilização, agora caminhando cuidadosamente para não escorregar nas calçadas congeladas, entramos em um Caffe Bar, e vamos pedir aquele delicioso capuccino com creme, uhmmmm

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